Japan B

Wisdom of Elders. Where you can get information, news, and help for your less than zen moments in Japan.


Have you ever listened to a record’s B-side? Sometimes it’s a gem that no one has heard of unless they have already bought the record, but most of the time it’s not as good as the single that everyone knows about.

Welcome to Japan B…the b-side of Japan.

The blog “Japan B” focuses on uncovering information about life in Japan that is often not discussed by foreign residents, including valuable living tips. It also explores lesser-known but wonderful aspects of Japanese culture and traditions, delves into domestic news that may not receive deep coverage, and presents the genuine thoughts of Japanese individuals that rarely come to the surface. 

Be sure to subscribe to the official Japan B blog for in-depth insights. Additionally, your follow on X (formerly Twitter) would be greatly appreciated.


Various Services for Foreigners

Are you in need of small services that don’t necessarily require the assistance of professionals like lawyers or interpreters? Centered around information dissemination through the blog, we provide easily accessible services such as translation, reservation and inquiry handling, research, website creation, and more. Especially for those who have recently moved to Japan, it can be challenging to find someone to consult with or access information for resolving issues. With the intention of assisting individuals in such situations, we have launched these services.

You can find more information at our service webpage: 


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