Japan, also described as the country of martial arts, has a wide variety of martial arts.

Ukiyo-e, Japanese woodblock printing, of an armored warrior.

Studying Martial Arts in Japan

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of martials arts originating in Japan, as well as dojos in Japan, if available. Typically, it’s allowed to visit these dojos freely, but if there’s no mention of it on their website, please contact them in advance. Some dojos may also offer trial experiences.

  1. Studying Martial Arts in Japan
    1. Things to Keep in Mind When Visiting a Martial Arts Dojo
  2. List of Martial Arts Dojo Search Sites
    1. 柔道 Judo
    2. 古流柔術 Traditional Jujutsu (Japanese Jujutsu)
      1. Takenouchi Ryu Jujutsu
      2. Sekiguchi Ryu Jujutsu
      3. Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu
      4. Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Takumakai
      5. Hontai Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu
      6. Takagi Ryu Jujutsu and Kukishin-ryu Bojutsu
    3. 相撲 Sumo
      1. All Japan Sumo Federation
    4. 剣道 Kendo
    5. 合気道 Aikido
      1. 全日本合気会 (zennihon aikikai)
    6. 弓道 kyuudo (Japanese archery)
      1. 全日本弓道連盟 (zennihon kyudo renmei)
    7. 薙刀 Naginata
    8. 少林寺拳法 shorinji kenpou
    9. 空手 Karate
      1. 全日本空手道連盟 (zen nihon karate dou renmei)
      2. Member Organizations of the All Japan Karate-Do Federation
    10. 日本拳法 Nihon kenpo (Japanese Kenpo)
    11. 剣術 Kenjutsu
    12. 槍術 Soujutsu (Spear)
    13. 居合術 Iaijutsu
    14. 捕手術 Toritejutsu (Arrest technique)
    15. 抜刀道 (Battodo)
  3. And More…

Things to Keep in Mind When Visiting a Martial Arts Dojo

For any martial art, the dojo is a sacred place. When visiting, please adhere to the rules of each respective dojo. Below are some general etiquettes observed in most dojos:

  • Always remove your shoes before entering the dojo.
  • When entering the dojo, remove your hat, bow deeply, and then enter.
  • During your visit, refrain from speaking loudly or using your mobile phone to avoid disturbing the practitioners. Please ensure your phone is on silent mode.
  • If chairs are not provided, you may sit on the floor, but please try to observe proper seiza posture as much as possible while watching.
Picture of a man sitting in seiza.
Sit nicely, please!

However, it is generally known that foreigners may find seiza uncomfortable, so I believe they will be understanding if you deviate from it slightly.

  • Eating and drinking are strictly prohibited.

List of Martial Arts Dojo Search Sites

This list is categorized by martial arts and their respective schools.

Those without “local” indicated have dojos in three or more regions for the respective martial arts or schools.

柔道 Judo


The martial art with the largest number of practitioners in Japan.



Logo of the All Japan Judo Federation
Logo of the All Japan Judo Federation
Clip of the Top Judo Ippons from the 2023 World Judo Championships

古流柔術 Traditional Jujutsu (Japanese Jujutsu)

Illustration of Traditional Jujutsu
Illustration of Traditional Jujutsu

Jujutsu is said to be the origin of Judo, Aikido, and Hoshu-ryu Jujutsu.

Takenouchi Ryu Jujutsu

竹内流柔術 Takenouchi ryu jujutsu (Okayama and Hiroshima prefecture)

Takenouchi Ryu Jujutsu Logo
Takenouchi Ryu Jujutsu Logo

Link to the Takenouchi Ryu Jujutsu website

Sekiguchi Ryu Jujutsu

関口流柔術 Sekiguchi ryuu jujutsu (Wakayama and Hyogo prefecture)

Link to the Sekiguchi Shinshin Ryu Jujutsu website

Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu

大東流合気柔術 Daitou ryuu aikijujutsu (Tokyo)

Link to the Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu website

Video of Daitou ryuu aikijujutsu techniques

Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Takumakai

大東流合気柔術 琢磨会 Daitou ryuu aikijujutsu takumakai (Osaka)

Link to the Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Takumakai website

Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Takumakai 46th Annual Japan Kobudo Embu Taikai February 5th, 2023

Hontai Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu

本體楊心流柔術 Hontai youshin ryu (Hyogo prefecture)

Hontai Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu Logo
Hontai Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu Logo

Link to the Hontai Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu website

Hontai Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu 32nd Annual Japan Kobudo Embu Taikai February 8th, 2009

Takagi Ryu Jujutsu and Kukishin-ryu Bojutsu

高木流柔術・九鬼神流棒術 Takagi ryuu jujutsu (Hyogo prefecture)

Takagi Ryu Jujutsu and Kukishin-ryu Bojutsu Logo
Takagi Ryu Jujutsu and Kukishin-ryu Bojutsu Logo

Link to the Takagi Ryu Jujutsu and Kukishin-ryu Bojutsu website

Takagi Ryu Jujutsu & Kukishin-ryu Bojutsu 38th Annual Japan Kobudo Embu Taikai

相撲 Sumo

If the purpose is to learn rather than to watch (for professional sumo), please try finding practice locations from the links below.

Illustration of a Cute Sumo Match
A Cute Sumo Match

Sumo connects to the world of mythsand legends and has a religious ritual aspect of Shinto.

All Japan Sumo Federation

全日本相撲連盟 (zen nihon sumo renmei)

All Japan Sumo Federation

All Japan Sumo Federation Logo

All Japan Sumo Federation Logo

Link to the All Japan Sumo Federation website http://www.nihonsumo-renmei.jp/club/244_komatsu.php

Wakanohana vs. Chiyotaikai (July 1998 Grand Sumo Tournament)

剣道 Kendo


A martial art that utilizes the most commonly used weapon in Japan, a katana.

全日本剣道連盟 (zen nihon kendo ui renmei)

All Japan Kendo Federation https://www.kendo.or.jp/en

All Japan Kendo Federation Logo
All Japan Kendo Federation Logo
Legend of the Showa Era: One-on-One Match between a 92-Year-Old Grandfather (9th Dan) and a Student (3rd Dan) – Japan’s Strongest 92-Year-Old Samurai Grandpa

合気道 Aikido

Illustration on two men doing Aikido

A martial art derived from jujutsu and kenjutsu. It emphasizes techniques that utilize the opponent’s force without relying on one’s own strength, making it popular as a self-defense art, particularly among women. Joint locks in a standing position are central.

全日本合気会 (zennihon aikikai)

All Japan Aikido Federation

All Japan Aikido Federation Logo
All Japan Aikido Federation Logo


Aikido, Vol.1, Gozo Shioda: Master Techniques

弓道 kyuudo (Japanese archery)

Illustration of a Japanese Archer
Japanese Archer

Archery is considered to be the oldest martial art in Japan.

全日本弓道連盟 (zennihon kyudo renmei)

All Japan Archery Federation https://www.kyudo.jp/info/english.html

All Japan Archery Federation Logo
All Japan Archery Federation Logo
Kyudo, Master Eiho Uragami

薙刀 Naginata

An illustration of a woman holding a naginata
Naginata Practice

The naginata, a Japanese polearm, has a history dating back to the Heian period (794-1185 AD). Initially a weapon for foot soldiers, it became associated with samurai women for self-defense. During the Edo period (1603-1868), it remained a martial art and saw use in warfare. In modern times, it’s practiced worldwide for fitness and cultural value.

全日本なぎなた連盟  (zen nihon naginata urenmei)

All Japan Naginata Federation https://naginata.jp/renmei/contact%20information.html

All Japan Naginata Federation Logo
All Japan Naginata Federation Logo
1st All Japan Ryukyu Kobudo Federation Demonstration Tournament Invitation Demonstration: Instructor Tomoyuki Shindo’s Elegant Sword Techniques

少林寺拳法 shorinji kenpou

Shorinji Kempo
Shorinji Kempo

The technical form polished by martial artists who trained in China and brought back to Japan.

◆少林寺拳法連盟 Shorinjikenoourenmei

Shorinji Kempo Federation https://www.shorinjikempo.or.jp/where/?mode=federation

Shorinji Kempo Federation Logo
Shorinji Kempo Federation Logo
Here is a demonstration of Shorinji Kempo.

空手 Karate

A martial art transmitted from Okinawa to the mainland during the Meiji period. To learn how it was brought to the mainland and how it evolved into modern karate, see our article The Evolution from Okinawan Te to Modern Karate.

In every martial art, alongside swordsmanship, karate has the most diverse schools. Here, I’ll introduce only the All Japan Karate-Do Federation, which has such a solid organizational cohesion that it has become an Olympic sport. 

By the way, the oldest organization as a school is Goju-Ryu, and the largest full-contact karate organization is the Kyokushin Kaikan. Since the passing of Soke Masutatsu Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin Kaikan, the organization has experienced repeated divisions, leading to a situation where schools claiming the name “Kyokushin” continue to emerge.

For more information about the history of the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai, see our articles here , here, and here.

Karate man breaking tiles
Karate man breaking tiles

全日本空手道連盟 (zen nihon karate dou renmei)

All Japan Karate-Do Federation https://www.jkf.ne.jp/kameidojo

All Japan Karate-Do Federation Logo
All Japan Karate-Do Federation Logo

Member Organizations of the All Japan Karate-Do Federation

  • 剛柔会 Goujuukai
Goujuukai logo
Goujuukai logo
  • 松濤館 Shotokan
Shotokan Logo
Shotokan Logo
  • 糸東流 Shitouryuu
Shitouryuu logo
Shitouryuu logo
  • 和道流 Wadouryuu
Wadouryuu logo
Wadouryuu logo
The 2nd All Japan Karate-Do Weight Class Championship” Men’s Kumite +84kg Final Match! Daiki Ando vs. Kyo Hirata

日本拳法 Nihon kenpo (Japanese Kenpo)


Japanese Kenpo, sometimes refered to as Japanese boxing, is a school derived from Karate that inludes techniques such as vertical punches and throws and ground techniques not typically seen in Karate. The Japanese Self-Defense army uses this. It is governed by the 日本拳法連盟 (Japan Kenpo Federation).

Japan Kenpo Federation Logo
Japan Kenpo Federation Logo
Description from YouTube: “I have gathered scenes from Japanese Kenpo matches that make you want to exclaim in awe. The definition of ‘the best’ is determined comprehensively based on technique, power, difficulty, etc., and I ask for your understanding that it is a selection made by the administrator’s discretion and bias. The content includes slow-motion playback and features 15 scenes.”

剣術 Kenjutsu


Originating with the Samurai, kenjutsu is a form of swordsmanship and a large umbrella term that now includes kendo and iaido.

◆ 北辰一刀流剣術 (Hokushin Ittoryu Kenjutsu) (Ibaraki)

Hokushin Ittoryu Kenjutsu, 38th Japan Kobudo Embu Taikai

◆ 天真正伝香取神道流剣術 (Katorishintouryu Kenjutsu) (Chiba)

Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu Toranomon Hills 2023

◆ 立身流兵法 (Tatsumiryuheihoujutsu) (Chiba)

 Tatsumi Ryuu Bo Nitta 2018

◆ 小野派一刀流剣術 (Onohaittouryuu kenjutsu) (Tokyo)


◆ 天然理心流剣術 (Tennnen rishinryuu kenjutsu) (Tokyo)

【Tennnenrishinryuukenjutsu Shieikan】Gekiken Keiko January 2024 Shinjuku

◆ 柳生新陰流兵法剣術 (Yagyuushinkageryuu Heihou Kenjutsu)

Yagyuushinkageryuu Heihou Asakusa 41st Japan Kobudo Taikai June 3, 2023

◆ 兵法タイ捨流 (Hyouhoutaisharyuu) (Kumamoto)

Hyouhou tai sharyuu logo
Hyouhou tai sharyuu logo
Hyouhoutaisyaryuu Asakusa 41st Japan Kobudo Taikai June 3, 2023

◆ 兵法二天一流剣術 (Hyohonitenichiryukenjutsu) (Fukuoka)
Hyoho nitenichiryu kenjutsu

◆ 野田派二天一流剣術 (Nodahanitenichiryukenjutsu)
Noda hanitenichiryu kenjutsu

槍術 Soujutsu (Spear)

Originally, the techniques were mastered by upper-class samurai, but since the Meiji period’s sword hunt, the tradition of these techniques has been threatened, and it is said that only a few schools remain.



Hozoinryu Takadaha Yarijutsu Logo
Hozoinryu Takadaha Yarijutsu Logo
The 32th Nippon Kobudo Demonstrations February 8, 2009

居合術 Iaijutsu

Girl practicing Iaido RodrigjaCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It is a martial art centered around the technique of drawing the sword from its scabbard with lightning speed, delivering a single strike to the opponent, followed by additional attacks with the long sword, and then concluding with the blood-shaking final blow and resheathing of the sword.







Suiouryuuiaikenpou logo

捕手術 Toritejutsu (Arrest technique)


岡っ引き – unofficial policemen who helped the police during the Edo period

In the Edo period, Okappiki (police) learned it as a technique to arrest criminals.


抜刀道 (Battodo)

The former Japanese Army developed the Toyama-ryu Iaido, which was taught at the Toyama School, as a system of techniques centered around test-cutting. Toyama-ryu Iaido was designed to enable beginners to reach a certain level of proficiency quickly, eliminating the need for highly advanced techniques that only swordsmanship experts could use. In 1977, the All Japan Battodo Federation was established. Battodo, also known as Iai Battodo, differs from traditional Iaido in that test-cutting is a competitive aspect.

Tameshigiri patter
Tameshigiri patterns of how to strike in iaido RawnCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

◆戸山流居合道(Toyamaryuu battou iaidou)


And More…

The martial arts and schools mentioned above are just a small part, and there are countless martial arts originating from Japan. Referring to each school or dojo would be impossible as there are too many to count.

Full-contact karate various schools,

Okinawan karate,


Ryukyu Kobujutsu,




Ryukyu Sumo (Shima),

Gun and sword,


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